Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

What a fantastic Halloween!
We started off with a spooky breakfast, complete with spiders in the milk,
 and pumpkin bread.
 After breakfast, Patrick and Finnegan turned over their plates 
and made some more spooky masks.
 After breakfast, we got dressed and I brought Patrick and Finnegan to school...
 as Jake the Pirate and Captain Hook!

Their Halloween Parade was adorable - Lizzy, Ginny, Patrick and Finn lead the way...
 and when it came time for a class picture, Patrick and Finn stayed in character!
 Sully and I went back to school later in the morning to for the class party.
 In the afternoon, Patrick and Finnegan helped me prepare for our big trick or treating party,
 The yard looked great
 But, the driveway was the best - 
complete with the pirate ship Gill had made with the boys!!
 Our Tick Tock Crock was ready to party with his friends...
 and our guests, little and big, came to join the fun!
 After we ate, drank and played with lots of friends and neighbors, 
it was time for our pirate ship to set sail into the sea of candy!
Happy Halloween from our Pirate Crew to Yours!


  1. Oh my gosh, everything was TOO cute. The boys looked amazing :) SO fun!!!

  2. It's hard to say which holiday spent with you guys is my favorite - this is a major contender. Thank you so much.
    And I must say that the pre-school group shot is hilarious beyond all measure. I decided to title it 'a character study' hehe.
