Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

 This Halloween started with a super scary breakfast - 
Ghost Toast, Monster Eyeballs and Very Scary Bed-Head!
 I packed a creepy lunch for Patrick and Finnegan
 Sully and I went to the playground with Athena and Sebastian
 and then to art class where Sully painted a pumpkin and dumped glitter all over it, awesome!
 Before we knew it, the big guys were home, the party was setup 
and it was time to celebrate Halloween!
 Our SuperHero Family
Batman (Patrick) The Hulk (Gill) Sullivan (Robin) 
Jul (Wonder Woman) and Finnegan (Captain America)
 We had a lot of friends join us for our celebration
 Even the adults got into the spirit!
 My Heros
 After the party was over, it was time to hit the streets.  
Sully had a blast and cheered every time he got a piece of candy and got a lot of help from his big brothers.  The best part when he took the entire bowl of candy that a neighbor had left on their doorstep!  (Don't worry, we put it back)
 By the end of the night, the treat bags were full and the kids exhausted - 
 2 signs of a great Halloween!

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