Monday, December 14, 2009

A Gingerbread Playdate

Twas the week before Christmas and at the Parker House
8 Toddlers were decorating Gingerbread Houses.
The Stockings were hung by Jennifer with care
With treats like cookies and apple cider to share

Finnegan had the gummies & Patrick the tarts
While Lizzy and Ginny's house fell apart
Ella and Aidan made it rain candy
The kids behaved so well, the moms didn't need Brandy!
With the kids finished decorating and houses displayed
The moms got to talk while all the kids played.
And we heard Jen declare as we got into the car
"A Merry Christmas with friends - How lucky we are!"


  1. It was a terrific morning inside and out - and our house still stands!

  2. That is a hilarious poem! You are so darn creative!!!

    We had such a wonderful morning with dear friends!

    Jen, Ella & Aidan
