Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Day of Sweets

Yesterday afternoon was filled with all things sweet.

First, the boys and I baked some brownies for this weekend's company.  
Now, for all you non-batter-eating people out there, you may want to cover your eyes....

After we were done baking and Sully woke up from his nap, he had a playdate with Liliana, the sweetest girl on the block!

Finnegan was a great chaperone...

But even being supervised, they still managed to hold hands - HOW SWEET!


  1. In these photos, it seems as though Liliana has her eye on both Finny AND Sully. Hmmmmm.
    Please let her know (gently) that Finny is promised to Lizzy and Sully's spiritual guidance is in my hands. She may want to turn and run (as soon as she can). hehe
