Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Spring!

Yesterday we spent a glorious day outdoors enjoying the first day of spring.

We started off at the Nature Museum for a special morning dedicated to bunnies.  
The boys were none too impressed once they realized that the bunnies would not jump when asked.  
However, the Weltz Girls gave the bunnies lots of attention!

After the bunnies, we all walked to Freedom Park.  The kids played on the playground and then our families gathered for a picnic lunch.

While I had packed lunches for the boys, apparently Aunt Sara's food was much more appealing.  We were thrilled that all 7 children sat so nicely and ate their lunch.

After lunch, the kids did all sorts of activities; running, swinging, trying to climb trees, etc.

Patrick set out on a mission to prove that chivalry is not dead - and he succeeded!

Sullivan cuddled up with Godmamma Sara and enjoyed watching all the children.

I got the first of many great pictures of all my men!

Finnegan discovered what it would be like to be taller than Daddy!

And Patrick enjoyed a leasurely ride back to the car while cuddled up with Ginny.

It was a wonderful day - Happy Spring!


  1. So glad you guys all had a wonderful time.

    Even though I wasnt technically a "family" since Mike was at work, we would have loved to join you - it looks like a great morning!

  2. Don't I have THE BEST arm candy in my photo?!

    It was such a fabulous morning - bunnies, picnics, shirtless men playing sand volleyball...
    and oh yes; family.
