Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day of School Blues

While Patrick and Finnegan had a great day of school yesterday, their baby brother had a rough one.  We started off just fine - family breakfast, everyone in new clothes for the big day and some family pictures.

After we brought the big guys to school, Sullivan and I went to Gymboree.  We have not been to Gymboree in quite a few months, but jumped right back into the swing of things.  Sully loved all the equipment and games, but was not at all interested in the other little kids.  He rarely engaged other children but when he did, Sully pointed at them and said "BABY".  I honestly believe he sees himself as a 4 year old and could not be bothered with these toddlers!  Hopefully, Gymboree, storytime and some toddler playdates will help to remedy this.

When we got home, Sullivan ran around the house yelling "FINN, FINN!!"
(If I haven't mentioned it before, Sully calls both of his brothers, "Finn")

After determining the I am just too boring, Sullivan went off to find someone else to play with - and came back with another set of twins!
Apparently, the new twins just don't know how to play trains like his big brothers,
 and Sully cast them aside - no one replaces Patrick and Finnegan!

As we were outside the school doors waiting to pick up his brothers, Sullivan was banging on the door and yelling "I PLAY, I PLAY".  I have never seen him so happy to see Patrick and Finnegan as he was when we got them from their classroom.  

In the afternoon we did some special things that all 3 brothers loved - frozen yogurt and the playground.  Nothing makes Sully happier than being with his Big Brothers.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Baby Sully, Don't be sad!! Your day at preschool will come so enjoy the days with your Mom--she has some pretty fun treats for you in the coming days!!
