Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Too Big Tuesday

Today, Sullivan proved that he is not too big to be upset by a visit to the doctor.  We went for a well visit and from the moment we set foot into the room, he was inconsolable.  Icepops, cellphones, goldfish, nothing made Sully happy except watching the doctor and nurses LEAVE the room - then he was all smiles.

After a very long doctors visit, we left happy - with a healthy boy!

Height: 32.5 inches
Weight:  28.8 lbs
Head Circ:  19.5 inches
85% in all categories
100% adorable


  1. I think I have commented before, but I'll say it again - he looks so much like you!

    Beautiful, just like Mommy (boys can be called beautiful when they are still little ones, can't they?)!


  2. You forgot one measurement.

    Godmomma Love Scale: OFF THE CHARTS!
