Monday, August 3, 2009

Oh, what a night!

We did it!  Yesterday we converted the nursery into a Big Boy Room!  A process that we thought would be done by naptime took us until about 4pm.  So, the boys didn't nap and went into their room for the first time when it was bedtime.  They loved it!

Finn checks out Patrick's Bed:

Patrick jumps on his own bed and Finn makes sure we spelled his name right!

Let the wrestling begin!
Bedtime was interesting.  We had baths, stories, milk and then it was time to say goodnight.  Gill and I tucked them into their new beds, turned off the lights and closed the door (with a gate on the other side of it, of course).  By the time we got downstairs we could hear the giggling!  A few minutes after that, we could hear them jumping, running, reading, counting - pretty much everything BUT sleeping.  It was hysterical, but we expected it.  

We went back into their room every 15 minutes or so, and put them back to bed, turned the lights back off, etc.  After 3 HOURS my boys were sound asleep in their beds.  I am so proud!  I'm dreading another night of that, but proud, none the less!


  1. Broke my heart to tear down the nursery but it was soon mended watching the boys play then sleep on their new BIG BOY beds. Next item on the list another new...

  2. Looks awesome! I can imagine their excitement at entering their brand new big boy room! I especialy love the before and after pics! All neat and organized, then the stuff everywhere (love the random shoe!) after 3 hours!

    Way to go guys!
