Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Haircuts & Biscuits

The boys and I had a fun, adventurous morning out.  Why would a morning of haircuts and lunch be so exciting?  Well, it was all "on a whim".  The boys are gearing up for Birthday Party Season, and I realized that they were in desperate need of some cuts.

I called over to Doolittles, a kids salon, and they were able to squeeze us in this morning. Patrick is NOT a fan of Doolittles, even though they get to sit in "cars" and watch cartoons.  He was unhappy and let EVERYONE know it.
Finnegan had a blast.  While I was helping Patrick, he was re-arranging the shampoo display.  After, he sat like such a big boy while getting his haircut.  He even got a comb and helped the stylist comb his hair.
I had my hands full this morning, so these pictures are from our last visit to Doolittles. 

Next door to Doolittles is our favorite family restaurant, The Flying Biscuit.  It's the first restaurant we took the boys to and Gill and I enjoy going back with them often.  Here is the picture of our first visit, back in March 2008:

Patrick realized where we were, sat down in front of the restaurant door and started yelling "Thank you Thank you".  I think he got his "please" and "thank you" mixed up, but the meaning was clear - he wanted lunch at The Biscuit!

So, with nothing more than my keys and credit card in hand, we ventured into the restaurant.  I am so proud of the boys, they were very well behaved, even thanking the waitress for their food.  They got crayons and colored on the kids menus.  Patrick and Finn enjoyed French Toast Sticks, Oatmeal Pancakes and, of course, biscuits.  It was great!

1 comment:

  1. Look at how little they were! I cannot believe that they will be two in just over two months!
