Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

This weekend we celebrate Father's Day - this weekend the boys and I celebrate Gill.  
When I met Gill, almost 10 years ago, I knew that someday he would be an amazing father.  

I never could have imagined just how wonderful a dad he would become.  He has an unending love for his sons, and it shows.  I watch Gill's face light up every night when he comes home to us, and I watch my boys yell, "Daddy's HOME" at the top of their lungs and run into his arms.  This is no exaggeration, it happens EVERY night.  Gill is involved with everything related to our children.  He notices immediately when the boys say a new word, recognize a new animal or count even higher than the day before.  

Gill is the exact opposite of an absentee dad.  While he works long, hard hours to provide for us, when he is home, he is here.  There is never a debate over time with the boys or time with the remote.  He chooses to let Patrick and Finn play with his laptop rather than getting extra work done on it.   

When we have long periods of time together, like the weekends, Gill can't wait to have family time and go on new adventures with the boys. I don't know how many times I have heard him start off a sentence with,
  "I can't wait until the boys are old enough so I can teach  them about..."  
He has an unending desire to learn and explore with our boys.

Gill is an amazing father and I am so proud to call him "my husband".  
Happy Father's Day, Gill.  We love you.

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