Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Word of the Week Wednesday

This week has me stumped, and sad in a way.  I had all these words lined up that the boys use.  Cute, funny words that maybe I only know the meaning to.  Now, when it's time to put them into writing, the boys have stopped using them.  They have replaced "Choo Choo" with "Train".  They no longer say "WaWa" but now pronounce "Water" far too well.  Instead of having funny names for their friends I suddenly hear pretty clear pronunciations of "Ella" "Aidan" "Sara" and even "Suzy".

I am proud. I am very proud.  I listen to them count to ten and it brings me to tears, each and every time.  While I see them growing physically, for some reason the verbal/mental development has me most amazed and proud. 

Yesterday morning, Patrick didn't want to get dressed so he hid under his bed and then, giggling, he said "Where are you?  Where are you?".  How did that happen?

On Sunday, while leaving Gabriella & Jason's birthday party, Finn looked up at me and said "That was fun!"  

He's right, this is fun.  All of this is fun.  Listening to the boys speak to me, to each other or to random people in the supermarket is fun.  It's also testament to just how fast time goes by.  Maybe Word of the Week Wednesday will have to be replaced, or maybe next week's word will be "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". 

Today, I am just going to enjoy listening to my boys and all their words.  
Even if Patrick is using his new expression "Oh Sh*t".  (I wonder where he got that one from)

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing how quickly they all went from these tiny little beings who just ate and slept? Now they are carrying on complete conversations!

    Patrick and Finnegan are such smart and wonderful little boys! We just love them to pieces!
